Saturday, April 27, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Aiji at BUZZ ROCK radio
有村竜太朗(Plastic Tree)× Aiji (LM.C)× seek (Mix Speaker's,Inc)
at BUZZ ROCK Osaka

Monday, April 8, 2013

The topic about LM.C that rattled and appeared, this series is a relaxed talk. Now, this month’s topic is...?
How do you enjoy time alone?
Q: When you are alone what do you do?
A: That was sudden! (laughs)
Q: I think there are a lot of people who have started living along since Spring, and I’m sure they would like you to tell them how to spend time alone.
A: I think I’ll be a bad example of how to spend time alone. I always end up not know what would be good to do.
M: Yeah but what do you eventually do? Senpai
A: I end up playing things like games
M: Well that... isn’t helpful at all
A: It isn’t is it~ That’s because recently I’ve only been caught up in games. But, I know I shouldn’t do that so I wonder if I should voluntarily go out to eat with people. So I’ve been thinking of picking up communication with those people.
M: Well...
A: Like with maya? But you don’t really go out with big crowds...
M: I don’t do I~ When I’m alone I wonder if I’ll go to the movies. Is there one thing besides movies, games, and manga you can do by yourself? On the contrary, I want you go teach me.
A: You mean like jigsaw puzzles
Q: I don’t know if you can teach that.....
A: Maybe cooking, or musical appreciation...
M: Anything is fine right? How about taking a walk
A: Shopping

Q: Are you a person who goes shopping alone?
A: Yeah. I only go alone because if I don’t have a purpose then I don’t go. And if I go to the extent of buying clothes I only go alone. Which is why I end up shopping on the internet. I almost don’t go to places like convenience stores either. I also can’t think of anything else but going to convenience stores for drinks but since I have a water server I end up not getting water either. I don’t buy anything in particular. Well, I guess I might go and buy water sometimes. Wait, what were we talking about again?
M: How we spend time alone!
A: Aah.........The truth is I don’t know what I do alone.
M: What indeed. When I’m alone....all that comes to mind is going to Don Quijote.
A: What do you go shopping for?

Nope. If you think of......
M: Yasuda Yogurt
A: Isn’t it cheaper online?
M: Nope. If you think of the shipping its cheaper just to go and buy it
A: Oh. I see (maybe convinced)
M: Geez, our stories weren’t helpful at all.
Q: Really......Well, first of all, if you moved where would be a good place to start?
A: First, you need to explore the surroundings of the house! I think that part is really fun.
M: That’s normal. An absolute normal comment...
A: Hey! what’s with that....after all, if you’re a girl, wouldn’t you want a place where you can refine your cooking ability or something like that? Because I think it’s important how you use your own time. That’s a story of hindsight, well a long time ago, my mom used to make me things like homemade pound cake and pastries. Now, however, children like the taste of cheap sweets more than homemade ones, but in those days I didn’t realize the gratitude of that homemade taste, and even as I think of it now I get a warm taste in my mouth.
M: Eh!? What good story are you talking about!?
A: Huh!? Wait, what was the story in the first place? (Got off topic)
Q: E~h. (bitter smile)
M: We are completely worthless (laughs)
A: Or rather, I would like to ask everyone how they spend time alone. I wonder what their doing? Everyone....
M: The point of today’s theme, it’s become the exact opposite, right senpai! (laughs)
maya in KERA - 「my universe.」vol. 3
[Translation of maya’s text featured in KERA’s february issue 2013 (vol. 174).]
★vol 1★vol 2★.
This year is also passing by. When you’re living with a job that’s just about going ahead, excepting new things before another, the “future” does not exist according to your calendar. The people who ages ago filmed the New Year’s TV Special, are beautiful cherry blossoms in bloom by now. Or they may be. And so, every “present year” will come to an end.
World peace didn’t come this year either.
What is it even, “world peace”.
It’s when there are no wars, no gaps between rich and poor, no forms of tormenting. Not any of those. Not any at all. Maybe. World peace is vague. No matter how much time will pass, it will still be vague.
If all this came true, we would achieve world peace!
Such an agreement does not exist, it’s vast and reckless. It can’t be achieved like that. Compared to just simple wishes, the significant parts are doubtful. They’re more unclear than the “I wanna become a baseball player right now”-thoughts of a wishful school boy.
How to obtain world peace in an instant = we, humans, have to disappear.
There are those who think so. Immediately the air will be clean, the green will thrive and grow thickly, the animals will be free without any suppression, and the earth will spin around like in a dance. It will become just like the peaceful world drawn in pictures, some people think. Nevertheless, it’s not like that.
That’s not the kind of “world peace” I’m talking about.
If we wouldn't be here, it wouldn't be important either.
There’s a difference between “world peace” and “a peaceful world” and they shouldn't get mixed up. If we wouldn't exist, there wouldn't be a need for world peace. Non-human beings, they don’t wish for it. Non-human beings, they don’t create a world where it’s needed. I thought about it. I really did. I -really dreamily- thought about it.
We just need aliens to come an invade earth
That’s how my thoughts.. ended up. We wouldn't be national units, but a planet unit instead, and we would all for the first time have a common enemy. If we had to oppose that sort of thing, the world would become one. While the rainbow laser beams would be flying all around, we’d be helping each other, we’d all fight together to overcome the invasion. And then, people would hug each other tightly.
And there we would achieve “temporary” world peace.
I think. This is like the made-up world in the song “*BOOST+BUSTERz*” from LM.C’s first album, “SUPER GLITTER LOUD BOX”. In that story, it appears that the aliens, who attack, are actually heroes protecting the world peace. While humans are breeding and thriving on earth, the “cancer cells will not only destroy the earth, but soon the universe too”. So the punch line is that the aliens actually just came to get rid of those. But this is useless - so what to do. There’s not another universe we all can go to. You’re floating in the infinite universe, looking down on earth, and if nothing would keep on accelerating, I think we would also get the nerve to give up.
This year is also passing by.
World peace didn't come this year either.
Translation by: @milktune
※This month we did a public audio recording at the venue for the LM.C FiLE commemorative event.
Pokkun*: We have a request from a certain Sayaka, “Yasuda Yoghurt”.
maya: You’re kidding, I’ve been waiting for that! (searches) Though once, I kind of, searched for it by myselfー (everybody laughs).
Aiji: Are you serious!? You did that!?
maya: Or, I searched for it on Ameba. I just wanted some company. Now let’s watch this, it’s a 15 second short commercial (watches). …They appeared!! (the two characters in the commercial) (
Aiji: I wish they’d let us - maya and Aiji – do this (everybody cracks up laughing). Something like 『LM.C’s “We tried live-action”』 maybe? (laughs)
maya: Shall we do it?
Aiji: We could send an unofficial presentation to the boss of Yasuda Yoghurt. (laughs).
maya: Now, as new employees we first have to get along with the others, then we’ll send it to him!
Aiji: How will things go from today and on? Ah, I feel super anxious about this. Now what’s this? 『popular for 30 years – Osaka’s yoghurt cake』 (watches) ( Aah it’s a –what is it called… short cake, covered with yoghurt bavarois. ……Huh? There’s no interest? Our obligation! (laughs)
maya: Then, let’s go to the next one. We’ve been cracking knuckles enough today already, haven’t we? This always takes such a time…
Aiji: That’s just because you’re generally the slow one. I haven’t found anything of interest yet, there wasn’t really anything to go with from the first topic…… Ah, isn’t this good though? 『Rare cheese cake – Can be made in 5 seconds!』. 5 seconds!? (watches) (ends up that it takes 7~8 hours to make it) (
maya: What’s up with that, the tone of her voice doesn’t sound like it’s lying, it should be like “Uh, um…” (laughs).
Aiji: This bad aftertaste, how is it (laughs). Now in which direction should we go? (sees video) Are there people who doesn’t wake up in the morning? Ok. Well, let’s watch 『How to instantly wake up a person who by no means gets out of bed』. (A mosquito flies around your ear, buzzing, causes you to wake up) (
maya: Could I try this next time?
Aiji: On who!? Me myself - have no problem waking up (laughs).
Pokkun: Let’s change the keyword. We got one from Yo, it’s now 【Asagaya**】 (searches).
maya: What’s 『Asagaya Rainy Blue』? It seems like it’s “Asagaya’s unofficial support song” (laughs). (watches) ( Why now, this song, it’s touching! (laughs)
Aiji: That’s a really great song, isn’t it? Doesn’t it become a good sum up? I feel that it has a touch of a real classic, or something like that (laughs).
This month’s landing point: 『Asagaya Rainy Blue』
*SHOXX magazine’s chief editor.
**suburb of Tokyo
Translation by:
Saturday, April 6, 2013
3/16/2013 @ SHIBUYA O-WEST
LM.C's first conceptual live titled, "LM.C -STRONG SIDE vs POP SIDE- ~EVE~" was held at Shibuya O-West on 3/16 and 17. This will lead the tour in July, and at the same time to separate set lists into two parts, "暴れて叫ぶ最攻の[STRONG SIDE] / Abarete Sakebu Saikou no [STRONG SIDE] " and "泣いて笑う最幸の[POP SIDE]/ Naite Warau Saikou no [POP SIDE]". As it is impossible to know it from the title, this also separated the pop and hard side of the tour, showing the best chance to feel and enjoy LM.C's charming core.
Not only that, since the audiences are from LM.C's fan club, Team LM.C's members, from the floor the atmosphere was gorgeous and high. Strong melodies had been striking from the beginning of the live till the end. This was the first day of LM.C'S live, "STRONG SIDE".
Two of them did not appear with colorful and pop style, their usual image, but costumes with black as its base color. maya (Vo.) appeared with jacket and slim denim tights, while Aiji (Gt) appeared with T-shirt and cargo pants, and made the atmosphere hard rock. maya did stylish wave as his hair style too, giving fans a shock.
Opening song was 「METALLY」with metallic tunes. At all times, they were devoted to "strong and attacking" atmosphere and then blasted off at the last song, 「OH MY JULIET」. From excited Aiji who threw mike stand to the floor, to maya who stood on the fence in front of the audiences, maya shouted "MORE!", and this became a night with only strong attacking STRONG SIDE.
"POP SIDE" on the second day ended the impulse from yesterday. This day, live house was full-filled with heart-warming songs like, 「BABY TALK」of light and pop R&R taste, and 「88」which was heart-touching, creating straight yet happy atmosphere, then from the night yesterday without much MC, to maya's long MC which had been longed by the fans. From fan club travel to Okinawa to everything, his talk was long and tension was pushed to the max.
Then, they played songs that they hadn't been playing for some time, which had been one of the characteristics for that night. They showed themselves to people who wanted to know them more, and people who had preconceptions to them with content that was easily understandable through the series live.
"After today, I want to do a tour after knowing what people want. Like 'Do this song! Or ' That song!' " said maya.
Besides that, they also announced that they will be releasing conceptual coupling single 「B-side BEST!!」on that night. This will probably make the tour in summer even more fun!
SE NO.9 (ver.SGLB)
1, COMBATmode
5, JOKER -my name is-
6, Galileo
7, La Dee Da
8, mosaique city
15,☆Rock the LM.C☆
18, Space Wannabiez
4, little Fát Màn boy
5, Goak-On-SOUL
6, Boon!!
7, 88
8, -SORA涙色-
9, A Blueberry Night.
11,We are LM.C!! ~The Anthem of Strong Pop~
13,Yellow Beauty
14,It's a Wonderful Wonder World
15,Ah Hah!
16,星の在処。-ホシノアリカ- (Hoshi no arika)
17,We are LM.C!! ~The Anthem of Strong Pop~
7/11 (Thu) Kobe VARIT [STRONG SIDE]
7/13 (Sat) Takamatsu DIME [POP SIDE]
7/14 (Sun) Matsuyama Salon Kitty [STRONG SIDE]
7/16 (Tue) Kumamoto DRUM Be-9 V2 [POP SIDE]
7/18 (Thu) Fukuoka DRUM Be-1 [STRONG SIDE]
7/20 (Sat) Okayama IMAGE [POP SIDE]
7/21 (Sun) Hiroshima Namiki Junction [STRONG SIDE]
7/23 (Tue) Kyoto MUSE [POP SIDE]
7/27 (Sat) Nagoya Bottom Line [STRONG SIDE]
7/28 (Sun) Esaka MUSE [POP SIDE]
8/7 (Wed) Sapporo KRAPS Hall [STRONG SIDE]
8/8 (Thu) Sapporo KRAPS Hall [POP SIDE]
8/10 (Sat) Sendai MACANA [STRONG SIDE]
8/11 (Sun) Sendai MACANA [POP SIDE]
8/14 (Wed) Kashiwa PALOOZA [POP SIDE]
WINK UP March 2013
―What do you think is the difference between girls who are being considerate, and those who exaggerate?
maya「One example is when having a meal together, then I would say that the girl who takes initiative and ensures that everyone gets a fair share of food is considerate. If you were to reflect too much over handing out the food correctly, maybe even calculating the portions, when do you go from being considerate to exaggerating? When? Well in that case, I think it’s all about timing. Those who really are considerate know how to properly read the atmosphere, they can understand whether to hand out the food or not, I think. But well, I don’t think you make such a fuss over sharing food correctly. It changes depending on the situation, doesn’t it?」
Aiji「Usually, aren’t you kind towards your companions? Getting used to being nice to people, I think you could learn from how you interact with a friend. Ah, now, if that person is troubled in some way, you would give a helping hand. I think that’s what you do. For example, if you notice that the person has both hands full, you ought to open the door, don’t you agree? Isn’t that what to begin with when it comes to being kind? Maybe that’s a start at least?」
―Saying that is a basic part of being human, isn’t it.
Aiji「Ah, yeah. If you would exaggerate though, in spite of being nice it would be kind of strained. For example, let’s say that there’s a trash bin right next to me and then someone who’s further away from the trash bin than I am meddles in. If that person would say “I’ll go and throw away the trash”, I would feel like “No no, it’s okay. I’ll do it!”. Though when eating food with maybe three people, obviously I will take the food that’s closest to me on purpose, instead of that the person opposite should hand it out. If so, I would think “Eh? Why? No no, it’s okay, I’ll do it myself”. 」
―Yeah yeah. In that case, there’s quite a subtle line between “Oh. You thought of me. Thanks”, and “That’s meddling”.
Aiji「Well indeed it’s a difficult topic. There’s different terms and conditions for different situations. And whether the companion is the same sex or not may change the situation significantly, and if it was – let’s say the manager –, I would probably not think of calculating the amount the food.」
maya「Indeed (agrees)」
Aiji「And well, I think that somehow you can understand if someone’s doing it with an ulterior motive, or if it’s truly out of kindness. The ulterior motive thing is a bit bad I guess. But if someone comes into a room and nonchalantly organizes their own shoes, and then organizes mine too, it’s not with an ulterior motive, is it? I mean, first afterwards will I notice and think “Ah, you organized them”, and so, it’s true kindness. I think that’s good. 」
maya「Precisely, that’s what being considerate is. Or maybe you adapt. Because if you already have a habit of handing out correct portions already, it’s not the same thing as being kind. However, people not equipped with that skill can’t be helped I guess (laughs).」
Aiji「But, if you have the kindness, can’t you overcome not having the skills? That’s absolutely a kindness that will lead somewhere.」
maya「Yeah. Let’s say that you dropped the flyers you were holding. And someone picked them up. To that extent it’s more of an excuse. And in that case it also seems like boys show up a lot more often. Or well, it’s out of kindness too though. In a manner of speaking it’s a true form of kindness.」
Aiji「Ah, yeah. That’s right of course.」
maya「But still, if you would like, come sliding really fast from far away to pick up those flyers, it would be kind of surprising, wouldn’t it (laughs)? That’s to exaggerate I think. 」
Aiji「Ahahahah. That’s for sure. Though, whether you’re dividing food, or picking up flyers, or going out with the trash, to do it from an appropriate distance is important (laughs). 」
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