Saturday, February 9, 2013

WINK UP February 2013

Gacha topic this month:

Special Project: [A: How much they know? -Quiz]

A sequel to the quiz last year's December. It's a quiz about how they know. They write down the answer on paper and put them down with answers. Let's see the response of both!

Q1-What maya would pick the menu of drinks from Starbucks?
-Response Maya: Rocambole Maron.
-Response Aiji: Chai tea latte.

Aiji: This is not a drink! You can not take it.
Maya: And ooh, I like donuts too.
Aiji: You DEFINITELY can not drink that!
Maya: I would swallow them like a snake then. Though chai, tea and coffee with milk is good! If this game is as planned I would pick that. I'm an adult.

Q2-Please draw a picture of Aiji's cat.
maya: (Looking at the drawing of Aiji) Wow, looks deplorable.
Aiji: I do not know, maybe it's because it's the long way. But she'll have to cut it soon and summer will be happy again.

Q3: What is the casual clothing that uses maya summer?
Aiji: I have no interest in clothes maya so I really do not know but I'm sure he will wear it. Definitely.
Maya: Yeah, no doubt. Looks like I drew my stage clothes unintentionally (laughs).

Q4: What is the word that speaks more Aiji?
maya: (Sweet) This is what Sora is saying the figure he drew it.
Aiji: (Really?) What!?

Aiji: (Looking at the response of the Maya) No, not recently at least (laughs).
maya: Nah, but during the tour seemed that you were saying that all the time, senpai!
Aiji: Well then (laughs). Since the tour ended I have not said that. I stopped when the tour is over (laughs).

Q5: How is Maya when in high spirits?
Maya: I fly.
Aiji: It is surprisingly busy.

Aiji: (listening to the response of maya) Yeah, I understand what you mean (laughs). When you're happy, there really is a sense that both feet are off the ground (laughs).

Q6: Lately, what has been the most memorable incident of Aiji (Just something spontaneous)?
maya: Losing your phone.
Aiji: Recently I have traveled extensively.

Maya: You have stumbled lately, no?
Aiji: Yeah, maybe it's age (laughs). Since I was unable to do so for many years I have fallen lately wherever I am (laughs).
Maya: Well, that's all physical ability! Do not be so dreamy! Having a soft body you will live a long life, and you will not be tripping and falling (waves).
Aiji: Ah, so why maya is doing gym lately? He wants to live longer? (Nods)
Maya: You have forgotten the things often ein.
Aiji: Yeah. On our last tour, I tucked a white shirt that I put on the bed of the hotel. And then the shirt color is blended with the color of the bed and I forgot that there (laughs).

Credits to: Milktune and LM.Cbrasil

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