Friday, July 15, 2011

Press Conference in Thailand

Question: How do you feel coming to Thailand for the second time?
Maya: The last time was at an event, now is a live (he means a show of his own) and I feel great.
Aiji: The last time we talk at the event, but now I'm thrilled by the show and food, but more than anything, the fans.

Question: Talk about the new single. (Super Duper Galaxy)
Maya: This is the first single from 2011, something did not look like LM.C, but when we finished it turned into something unique.

Question: What you see in the video is a space bar, I do.
Maya: The place is a bar in Tokyo, but when we finished it looked unusual.
(I think he meant what he wrote in a bar)

Question: What do you do in your spare time while traveling?
Aiji: Giving autographs.
Maya: Taking a bath after work.

Question: How do they do with the choreography of the shows EDO FUNK? certainly?
Aiji: I play guitar, but I can not dance.
Maya: For me, I dance. But wanted to change their image even as a "Hyper EDO".
(He is speaking of Denki. Mathematician Hyper is a prefix used to denote four or more dimensions. That is, during that appear choreographed numerous dance Denki)

Question: And the dance?
Maya: We had the Denki-Man beat up and they are many.

Question: Who are your idols?
Aiji: All with more experience. Respect to all (he means the older, probably).
Maya: You guys (fans) and Ryuichi Kawamura.

Question: Every single / album hair colors (of them) changes. What colors would not use?
Maya: I believe that each color is fine.

Question: I heard they were eating (rice) and some fruit too ...
Aiji: In a restaurant
(Only I did not understand the logic of this question?)

Question: In addition to Thai food, what other things you are interested in Thailand?
Maya: In walking, it's really interesting (in order to know new places). I wanted to ride an elephant. Ah! But where are the elephants?
Interviewer: See the elephants in Ayutthaya
Maya: There are no elephants in the street waiting?
Interviewer: Ehhhh .. no

Question: Over the next 20 years. How will you be? What will you do next?
Aiji: Is the emotion of the past 20 years (he did not answer the second question).

Question: In your eyes, how is Thailand?
Aiji: I heard that the "Land of Smiles" is ready as when I first came to Phuket. I enjoyed very much.
Maya: In the beginning I thought it was hot, because of Thailand has been very close (Japan), not to say muuuuuuuito.

Interviewer: Japan is not as close to what
Maya: I tried [as I have tried .. =_="]

Question: A message to fans.
Maya: This is the surprise of a show which has come in so many fans. In a large movement of you, I'm feeling stronger. So, with your support, much happier.
Aiji: The shows in Thailand, they open again (repeat) because fans dare each other to make the show happen again.

Credits: LM.C Venelueza
EN Translation: @ MAD_Worky (LM.C Brazil)

1 comment:

  1. Hi! i just want to ask that may I have your translation of that interview? I just want to translate it to my language and put out in my blog. Of course, i will put out your blog as source. So, can i ask for? *-*
