Thursday, November 11, 2010

YASHA姫 Lyrics

Princess YASHA

Walking charmed by your hand so I don’t get lost. Outburst of cicadas dyeing the festival colours of summer.
The temperature that even tied tightly obi comes loose. The Moon melts too, at a sultry night when something seems to happen.

I induced the words of invitation for the second time. An OK after two weeks of irritating you.
Being pressed by wave of people, approaching the lips… When you avert my eyes, I consider it a perfect suggestive sign.

Even unbearable tactics became tame, no uncomfortable feeling.
I said things like 「…embarrasing」 however I’m not that geniuine.

I raise my eyes at the night sky where petals flies overlaping one onother for a moment in this transient world.
Whereabouts of my heart have been revealed in my body but not in my spirit.
One night love affair, soon the festival will mark the end.
Your glances are unnoticed, hands tied as they were.

Many arrows fly without facing each other.
All acts leading to enlightenment are uncertain circumstances, "feelings" are farce and so is the festival’s music band.

It seems a whimsical shooting star is not likely to grant our desires.
Interrupted these words just to dropp the tears.

I greet the season when dead falling leaves dances and the calendar rotates in a moment of this transient world.
Whereabouts of my heart has been revealed now here too.
Even if the long night of love is burning in my chest, I will not go back to the days of passed summer.
In an orange memory I recall you from those days.

I raise my eyes at the night sky and make you hear these words.
I recall you just in selfishness.

* Maya sings in 1st person as the Yasha-hime (he uses female pronoun). That is pretty important, because he said in some interview that he likes to "become" a girl for songs in which he sings as a girl, like: "Blueberry Night" for example.

**It looks like Maya took some inspiration from the mythological Yashas. They has dual personalities, they are romantic figures, pining with love for missing beloved. Which is reflected in the song quite well. (Also there are male and female versions of Yashas.) You can check the general info on Wiki or smth.

Translated from japanese to english by ☆ MAD Maczka ☆

YASHA姫  ヤシャひめ

作詞  LM.C
作曲  LM.C
アーティスト  LM.C

はぐれないように と その手に引かれて歩いた 蝉時雨が祭りを夏色に染める
きつく締めた帯さえ解ける体温 月も溶けてく 何かが起こりそうな熱帯夜
誘いの言葉を仕向けた 二度目の着信  焦らした後のOK あれから二週間
人の波に押されて近付く 唇  目をそらしたら完璧 思わせ振りなサイン
忍びない駆け引きも 慣れたもんね 違和感はない
「…照れるね」とか 言ったけれど あたし そんな純粋 じゃない
花弁が舞う夜空を見上げ 浮き世の刹那 重ね合わせる
行方知れずのあたしのハート 心 ここに在らず
一夜限りの色沙汰もなく やがて祭りは終わりを告げる
あなたの視線気付かないフリ 繋いだ手そのままで
向き合うことのない 矢印がいくつも飛び交う
諸行 は無常 故 “情 “なんて茶番の御祭囃子
気紛れな流れ星 願いなど叶える気はない
その台詞 遮 るように あたしはただ涙  落とした
枯れ葉 舞散る 季節を迎え 浮き世の刹那暦は巡る
行方知れずのあたしのハート 今もここに在らず
恋の夜長に胸焦がしても 過ぎた夏の日 戻らないのに
オレンジ色の記憶の中で あの日のあなたを想う
その台詞を いま聴かせて と 夜空を見上げ
あたしは ただ 自分勝手に あなたを想う

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